There were plenty of people giving their input on the open discussions at last nights meetup of EHV Innovation Café. Great to see our audience participate on subjects like starting up a new business and Blockchain.
Thibaut Decré from HighTechXL – who provided a presentation on how to start-up – spoke on how ‘a business is a way to create, deliver and capture value. Easy in theory, hard in practice’. He also presented the opportunity to participate in the CERN hackathon on July 2, click here to watch a short introductory video. Thibaut works for High Tech XL and is in charge of the innovation program for startups. He supports 40+ internal teams and 30+ collaborations with external start-up and gives workshops on innovation.
Everybody and their mother is talking about Blockchain, but what is it exactly, and what will it bring to the table? Danny Bloks & Jeffrey Cornelissen (both part of the Blockchain Knowledge Centre of Fontys University) gave a short introduction to Blockchain and it’s possible uses and discussed the pro’s, cons and uses of this ‘hype’ with audience members. Jeffrey Cornelissen lectures courses in the field of Software Engineering and Blockchain. Danny Bloks lectures courses about Data Science and Cyber Security and is part of the Human & Technology Lectorate at Fontys HRM and Psychology.
Missed this edition of EHV Innovation Café? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. (Re)watch the talks here: