
Looking for an inspiring conversation? An opportunity for new collaborations? Or just a stimulating encounter with a good glass of wine? Join us at the Eindhoven Innovation Café. The place where people from the arts, design, research and technology interact. We aim for a weekly program full of inspiring pitches, expert talks, discussions as well as workshops, lasting up to half an hour parallel to the drinks. English spoken. Of course.

We will be back in september

Call for help!

We need your help! As you might have noticed, there have been some change of staff and we are looking for curious people.

Join our enthusiastic team for a few hours a week, as a volunteer or paid, to work on the organisation of the EHV Innovation Café; a weekly program full of inspiring pitches, expert talks, discussions as well as workshops.

What do we expect from you? Apart from attending the EHV Innovation Café every Thursday from 5 to 7, you will be in charge of inviting speakers along with our partners as well as communicating infos through our weekly mailing and socials. 

Please drop a line to We are curious to hear your thoughts! We will get back to you soon. 

Give to grow

Do you like the idea of really unleashing the full potential of our region?
Mark the next Thursday in your calendar and join us.
We believe in this simple principle: give to grow.
We’re sharing opportunities, breakout sessions, a drink and a bite,
and we need your help to grow.

Want to join EHV Innovation Café as a speaker, ambassador or funding partner?

We would love to hear from you! Fill in the contact form or say hello via

Keep an eye on on this page for the up to date program or sign up for the newsletter to stay tuned.