Prototyping 2040 is a vision of four prototypes for western civilisation in 2040. To create the prototypes, the FutureS Thinking team critically analysed thousands of signals of change. The prototypes revolve around issues of social, economic and environmental importance. We looked at such aspects as work, everyday life, mobility, city planning, industry and finance. In addition, we investigated a number of key values that determine each of those aspects. The prototypes were created to inspire organisations, businesses and institutions to think with a longer perspective, and help them prepare for the changes which, in our opinion, are inevitable.
Zuzanna Skalska is specialized in research and analysis of strategic SignalS of Change for business. Her career started at Philips Design later for almost 15 years at Vanberlo. Now, since 2014, she is an owner of 360Inspiration and a managing partner of the FutureS Thinking Group. Zuzanna works closely with MT, CEO´s, decision makers and R&D directors on possible future(s) development. Skalska lectures at many universities around the world. She is at DDW advisory board and together with Li Edelkoort co-founder of the School of Form in Warsaw (SWPS).