EIC | 15 JULY 2021

The EAISI Mobility Lab is a joint program of NXP and TU/e and is also an ICAI Lab. ICAI is a Dutch network aimed at technology and talent development between knowledge institutes, industry, and government in the area of artificial intelligence.It aims to advance perception technology such that mobile systems become able to understand – and not merely sense – the environment that they operate in. Understanding is the basis for hypothesizing and anticipating on possible future events and thus the basis for planning safe and effective actions.

Margriet van Schijndel – de Nooij is the program manager at EAISI: “I firmly believe that artificial intelligence can boost safety and energy efficiency of vehicles, but also of our overall mobility system. To establish this, close collaboration with industrial partners like NXP is crucial. Being part of the ICAI network helps us to maximize the impact of our innovations.”

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