by Kazerne | Dec 10, 2020 | Past Events
How do we design regenerative food systems -shifting beyond sustainable way of farming, regenerating the soil, reducing the distance from farm to fork, building robust food systems that are resilient to external shocks and reducing the risk of future pandemics? Ceren...
by Kazerne | Dec 10, 2020 | Past Events
It’s imperative that our cities become radically more sustainable and inclusive. Many entrepreneurial citizens have taken matters into their own hands and set on this path by organizing local programs, prototyped innovations in their garages, and started to...
by Kazerne | Dec 3, 2020 | Past Events
Until recently, women empowerment was seen as “women’s thing to do” or “feminism” where men were either very little involved, invisible or pushed away. However, this assumption is being ditched as more and more men are stepping in this ecosystem as proud partners,...
by Kazerne | Dec 3, 2020 | Past Events
There are many many attempts out there that are aimed at combating the prevalence of overweight and obesity, either preventative or treatment. These can be apps, diets, municipality initiatives, school initiatives, and business to business services, but none of these...
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